5 Ways to Get Your Pool Ready for a Maine Summer

As winter releases its death grip on Maine, it’s time to start thinking about opening your pool. Maine pools especially need servicing after a long, cold winter, so it’s important to take the proper steps before opening your pool to ensure a clean, functional, and relaxing space to enjoy your summer.

  1. Clean and Store Your Pool Cover

If you live in Maine, your pool cover likely took quite a beating over the harsh winter. Before you remove it from your pool, give it some TLC. Clean off the gunk, pump out any access water, and inspect your cover for any damage it may have incurred over the winter (Need repairs? We can help with that!). Store it in a clean, dry space away from the elements. That way, when you’re ready to close your pool for the winter, your cover will be ready to go.

2. Skim Your Pool

Before doing a more thorough cleaning of your pool, take the time to skim any large debris that may have gotten into the water over the winter. Leaves, pinecones — anything that might clog your filtration system should be removed.

3. Remove Plugs

If you live in Maine, hopefully you installed pool drain plugs before closing up for the winter. You can remove those now, letting your pipes fill back up with water. Don’t forget to reinstall your skimmer basket.

4. Set Up Your Filter and Pumps

Set up your pool pump and filter so you can begin recirculating your pool water. Reinstall drain plugs and lubricate O-Rings. Turn on your pump to ensure that it’s working correctly. If you notice any issues, power down and try to identify and fix before turning on again. Give us a call if you’re having issues with your pump.

5. Give Your Pool a Deep Clean

Once the pump and filtration system is up and running, give your pool the deep clean it needs. Remove remaining debris, brush and vacuum the pool, and shock it with chlorine. Leave your filtration system running for at least a full 24 hours to fully mix up the chlorine and filter out all remaining gunk. Your pool should be ready for use the next day!

Sound like too much? We specialize in pool openings! Located in Southern Maine, we’re happy to perform a thorough pool opening so that you can enjoy your Maine summer without the hassle. Give us a call at (508) 513-7788!